We offer at-work music tuition for businesses who are committed to creating happier and healthier places for their employees to work and innovate. Active music-making has been shown to help reduce stress, boost productivity, and improve overall wellbeing.
Connect your team and watch wellbeing thrive.
At the heart of what we do is a deep belief in the transformative power of music.
The statistics related to workplace stress and burnout are alarming.
Music has the power to transform the way we feel, think, and work. Studies have shown that music can improve mood, increase productivity, and boost team morale.
We are on a mission to weave music into the fabric and culture of businesses, with the goal of improving wellbeing, productivity, and team culture.
Who We Are
Music at work, works.
Why Music
At Work?
Research shows, a music program in the workplace can:
Plus, it simply brings JOY!
A joyful office is a healthy office.
Don’t Just Take
Our Word For It
Global companies already reaping the benefits of workplace Music Programs:
Other Services - At Work
A percentage of proceeds from all packages purchased are given back to the community.
We are currently supporting organizations who are paving the way in supporting and improving mental health in the community.
These include Lifeline, Happiness Co and The Blue Tree Project.
Program participants are also able to nominate an organization of their choice.
Let’s chat!
Say Hello
At Deloitte UK, 80% of employees taking music lessons felt more positive about their employer—making it one of the firm’s most powerful morale boosters.
Source: Music in Offices, Royal Institute of Psychiatrists